German Knifemakers Guild (DMG)

About The Guild

On 03/16/1986 the knifemaker Wolf Borger, Joachim Faust, Richard Hehn, Dietmar Kressler, Siggi Rinkes, Friedrich Schneider, Guenter Spretke and Egon Trompeter founded the "German Knifemakers
                  Guild" (DMG).

Besides maintaining the knife-making art and the support or holding of the guild exhibitions do the members of the DMG a knife enthusiasts and customers with a guide when purchasing high-quality, handmade knife into the hand. This is true for the quality as well as for a fair business behavior. And that is what the "German Knifemakers Guild" is still active with over 80 members.

Should it be unlikely to come but once a dispute between the maker and the customer, then the "German Knifemakers Guild" to make efforts to rid the world of this.

Regularly the members of the Knife Makers Guild show their knifes in September, at the anual Exhibition in Sindelfingen.

In October 2013, the Guild Show KNIFE  BLADE  STEEL  will have ist premiere in Dresden.

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